Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act promotes workers' rights to a safe and healthy workplace. Each worker has basic, legally protected rights when it comes to workplace safety and health, as stated in Section 2(2) (e) of the
WSH Act. All workers have the following four basic rights:
- The right to know
- The right to participate
- The right to refuse unsafe work
- The right to protection from reprisal
Right to Know
All workers have the right to be aware of workplace hazards and to understand how to control the associated risks. Included is the right to be:
- informed of the hazards at work
- trained to recognize those hazards
- trained to protect themselves
- informed of their rights under the law.
Right to Participate
Workers have the right to take part in workplace safety and health activities. This means having the ability to participate in keeping the workplace safe and healthy. Workers are the workplace's eyes and ears. As they perform their day-to-day tasks, they are well-positioned to identify issues and concerns, making their input into the safety program essential. A safety and health committee is one of the key ways in which workers can participate in safety.
Right to Refuse
Workers have the right to refuse work they reasonably believe is dangerous to themselves or others. Dangerous work is defined as work involving safety and health hazards that are not normal for the job. Workers should be encouraged to share safety concerns and immediately report them to their supervisor. In most cases, arrangements can be made to address workers' concerns. An employer or supervisor cannot insist that a worker perform work they believe is dangerous. The employer may assign alternate temporary work while the situation is being remedied. The worker should remain at work unless permission to leave has been granted.
Right to Protection from Reprisal
Workers are entitled to exercise their rights under the WSH Act without being penalized by their employers. Protection from reprisal is a fundamental right, and the cornerstone of developing and maintaining a positive safety culture. It is crucial that workers feel safe when raising safety and health issues or exercising safety and health rights.Check out our Shop Talk and bulletin (available in 19 languages) on worker rights. (Below the FAQs are more resources related to worker rights.)