Training opportunities for committees

Training opportunities for committees

​​​​It is important that you receive safety and health training to fulfill your role as an active workplace safety and health committee member or representative.

Your employer must allow each member or representative to use two workdays per year for workplace safety and health training programs, seminars or courses of instruction. Two workdays is defined as the number of hours a worker normally works during two shifts, or 16 hours, whichever is greater.

During training, the employer must also ensure committee members and representatives are paid at the regular rate of pay for the greater of the course hours or the number of hours the worker normally works during two shifts.

Employers and prime contractors must ensure that committee members and representatives are trained to competently fulfill their duties as members of the committee or as a representative.

Competently trained committee members demonstrate an employer's commitment to workplace safety and health, and provide guidance to workers and employers on safety and health matters.

Competent training includes knowledge of safety and health rights, roles and responsibilities, as well as knowledge of any of the tasks that may be required of a safety and health representative.

Both worker and employer safety and health committee members must be competently trained to perform their duties.

A number of organizations provide training, including industry-based safety programs, unions and SAFE Work Manitoba. See below for some training opportunities:


Learn more about the SAFE Work Manitoba Training Portal to search and register for safety and health training offered by a community of trusted training providers.
Learn more about the SAFE Work Manitoba Training Portal.

For additional, industry-specific training, visit our partner associations:

Committee Leadership Conference:

Our popular conference, held annually in the fall, is focused on training and development opportunities for workplace safety and health committee co-chairs. Learn more.

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