Sample SAFE Work Procedure Templates: All Industries

Sample SAFE Work Procedure Templates: All Industries

​​​​​The SAFE Work Procedures (SWP) that follow are samples for various tasks.

Information in these sample safe work procedures comes from various workplaces and professionals within Manitoba. These procedures are intended to assist Manitoba sites by sharing information for similar tasks, providing sample layouts, and providing examples for content expectations.

The sample safety principles are intended to highlight basic safety rules for a designated department or area, much like a safety orientation. This may reduce the need to create SWPs for relatively simple tasks, or for tasks that carry lower risks for injury, or they can serve as a reminder of safety considerations for that area. Tasks in the area that are assessed as having a higher risk for injury should have a SWP created.    

The sample procedures have been written with different layouts. Choose the template that you prefer to work with or create your own. You can change, add or delete text in any of these documents to suit the needs of your facility.   

Safe work procedures for your facility do not have to follow a particular format, however, your safe work procedures should include:
  • name or description of the work task
  • date the SWP was created and date it was last reviewed or revised
  • hazards that  may cause  harm to a worker
  • common signs and symptoms of a musculoskeletal injury if the hazards of the job task could lead to this type of injury
  • equipment / devices, personal protective equipment (PPE), or other safety considerations necessary to perform the task safely
  • required training and / or relevant documentation needed to perform the task safely
  • steps to perform the task safely including safe body positions and / or  movements as appropriate
  • indication that workers are to be trained on the SWP and employers must ensure workers follow them
Learn more how to fill in a Safe Work Procedure by clicking here.

Safe work procedures must be based on a risk assessment. They must also be developed in consultation with your workplace safety and health committee or representative and be approved by management. Workers must be trained in the safe work procedures for your facility so they understand the steps and equipment they must use to work safely.  Supervisors must ensure that safe work procedures are followed. Safe work procedures should be readily available to workers for reference.

Remember to review your safe work procedures regularly to ensure they are accurate and effective. If a task or equipment changes, the safe work procedure(s) that relate to this change must also be updated.

Select a category to view a sample.

Sample SAFE Work Procedures
Department Safety Principles

Blank Template

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