In Manitoba, a document called The Workplace Safety and Health Act sets rules for managers and workers to help prevent workplace injuries. If everyone understands the Act, they will learn all workplace injuries can be prevented, and that preventing them is everyone's job.
Workplace Safety and Health Committee
Workplace Safety and Health Committees are groups of people who work together to help managers make the workplace safer. Committees do a number of jobs including:
Making safety and health proposals to managers
Talking to workers about safety and health
Creating and discussing rules for safety and health
Training workers on rules
Inspecting the workplace for safety and health risks
Worker Rights and Responsibilities
Manitoba law gives every worker these rights:
Right to Know about safety risks in the workplace and how to avoid them
Right to Participate in safety and health activities at the workplace, including becoming a part of the Workplace Safety and Health Committee, or speaking on behalf of the workers
Right to Refuse any task that you believe is dangerous or unsafe for yourself or others
Right to Protection from reprisal for carrying out duties or exercising rights as set out under The Workplace Safety and Health Act.
As a worker, you are responsible for your own actions – and your actions can affect workplace safety.
Workers must:
Do whatever you can to protect yourself and others from mistakes that may cause workplace injuries
Learn how to use safety equipment, clothing and devices the right way
Work well with the Workplace Safety and Health Committee and others
Employer Responsibilities
Employers have the most control of the workplace.
That means they are also the most responsible for workplace safety and health.
Employers must:
Do everything they can to make the workplace, equipment, tools and systems safe and healthy
Make sure everyone understands safety risks in the workplace and how to avoid them
Hire well-trained supervisors
Train workers before they begin their jobs
Work well with Workplace Safety and Health Committees and others
Supervisor Responsibilities
Most workplace injuries happen during the worker's first year on the job. Supervisors can help workers learn to avoid and prevent injuries.
Supervisors must:
Supervisors are in charge of workers and can teach them that workplace injuries can be prevented. They can be role models for young workers and help make the entire workforce safe and healthy.
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