Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

​​​​​Visit our COVID-19 Toolkit​

Updated November 17, 2020

As SAFE Work Manitoba continues​ recovery planning efforts, we are proceeding with the utmost caution keeping your safety and health as our highest priority. We have reassessed ​and have decided to postpone a​ll in-person workshops and events for the remainder of 2020. SAFE Work Manitoba will continue to monitor the guidance of health authorities and reassess plans as necessary.​​​ 

NEW - Register for an upcoming virtual SAFE Work Manitoba workshop on our events​ calendar​ or register for a one-hour webi​nar​​​.​​​

Until we resume in-person workshops again, we also have online e-learning courses that provide a helpful way for you to continue workplace safety and health training while social distancing and/or working from home. ​We offer several online e-learning courses in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. All courses are free for Manitobans.​​View the complete list of e-learning courses her​e​.​ ​

We are committed to providing timely service in these circumstances, as we all practice prevention and social distancing. We encourage you to contact us via email at, chat with us online at or call us at 204-957-SAFE (7233) in Winnipeg or 1-855-957-SAFE (7233) Outside Winnipeg.​ 

Updated October 21, 2020

As SAFE Work Manitoba continues​ recovery planning efforts, we are proceeding with the utmost caution keeping your safety and health as our highest priority. Due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases in Manitoba, we have reassessed ​and have decided to postpone all in-​person workshops​ and events until November 2020. SAFE Work Manitoba will continue to monitor the guidance of health authorities and reassess plans as necessary.​​​ Stay tuned for upcoming virtual SAFE Work Manitoba presentations and workshop offerings.​

We continue to offer online e-learning courses in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. All courses are free for Manitobans.​​View the complete list of e-learning courses her​e​.​

Updated August 27, 2020

As SAFE Work Manitoba continues​ recovery planning efforts, we are proceeding with the utmost caution keeping your safety and health as our highest priority. Due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases in Manitoba, we have reassessed ​and have decided to postpone all in-​person workshops​ and events until October 2020. SAFE Work Manitoba will continue to monitor the guidance of health authorities and reassess plans as necessary.​​​ 

Until we resume in-person workshops again, our online e-learning courses may provide a helpful way for you to continue workplace safety and health training while social distancing and/or working from home. ​We offer several online e-learning courses in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. All courses are free for Manitobans.​​View the complete list of e-learning courses her​e​.​ ​

Updated May 21, 2020

As SAFE Work Manitoba begins recovery planning efforts, we are proceeding with the utmost caution keeping your safety and health as our highest priority. We have reassessed ​and have decided to postpone all in-​person workshops​ and events until the end of August 2020. SAFE Work Manitoba will continue to monitor the guidance of health authorities and reassess plans as necessary.​​

Updated April 29, 2020

​Prevent injury, get ergo advice!
Due to COVID-19, many workers now find themselves working from home to help prevent the spread of the virus. If this is your situation, you may have concerns about your work space setup and the impact on your body. Get suggestions on how to improve your current work space to avoid putting yourself at risk of an injury due to improper ergonomics or an MSI! Email SAFE Work Manitoba at using the subject line: Ergo Advice.​​

Updated April 3, 2020

In keeping with social distancing strategies recommended by Manitoba Health to help reduce the spread of communicable diseases and viruses, including COVID-19, SAFE Work Manitoba has reassessed and is postponing all non-essential meetings, workshops, prevention programs, services and events until Friday, May 1, 2020. SAFE Work Manitoba will continue to monitor the guidance of health authorities and reassess plans as necessary.​

Updated March 26, 2020

The Province of Manitoba needs your help. If you are a business able to supply personal protective equipment and other products (e.g., disposable N95 masks, vinyl gloves, cleaning supplies, etc.) and services (e.g., security, nursing, food, transportation, etc.) in support of ​Manitoba's response to COVID-19. ​If your business can supply any of these products and/or​ services, please visit​ to fill out and submit the form.

Updated March 23, 2020

Closed to the public

SAFE Work Manitoba is now closed to the public to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We encourage you to contact us via email at, chat with us online at or call us at 204-957-SAFE (7233) in Winnipeg or 1-855-957-SAFE (7233) Outside Winnipeg.​

Updated March 20, 2020

The Manitoba government has declared provincewide state of emergency under The Emergency Measures Act to protect the health and safety of all Manitobans and reduce the spread of COVID-19. This will remain in effect for 30 days. View the entire media release to learn more about the measures being put in place immediately.

Closed to the public

In light of today's news from the Province of Manitoba in declaring a state of emergency, effective March 23, 2020, SAFE Work Manitoba is closing our doors to the public to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We encourage you to contact us via email at, chat with us online at or call us at 204-957-SAFE (7233) in Winnipeg or 1-855-957-SAFE (7233) Outside Winnipeg.​

Work refusals related to COVID-19

Under the Workplace Safety and Health Act, workers have the right to refuse work that they reasonably believe constitutes a danger to their safety and health, or that of another person should they perform the task. The Province of Manitoba has added new information with regard to COVID-19 and work refusals. Learn more.

Tips for working safely from home​

SAFE Work Manitoba has added some tips for workers who may find themselves now working from home. Where you work and how you work is important to your health and safety. Read these tips​

Updated March 17, 2020​

​As of March 16, 2020, one additional presumptive positive case of COVID-19 has been identified in Manitoba, for a total of eight cases​.

In keeping with social distancing strategies recommended by Manitoba Health to help reduce the spread of communicable diseases and viruses including COVID-19, SAFE Work Manitoba is postponing all non-essential meetings, workshops, prevention programs, services and events until Tuesday, April 14, 2020. SAFE Work Manitoba will continue to monitor the guidance of health authorities and reassess plans as necessary.​

We are committed to providing timely service in these circumstances, as we all practice prevention and social distancing. We encourage you to contact us via email at, chat with us online at or call us at 204-957-SAFE (7233) in Winnipeg or 1-855-957-SAFE (7233) Outside Winnipeg.

Please continue to visit Manitoba Health and/or the Public Health Agency of Canada for up-to-date information and precautions to take. Specific health concerns should be directed to your family physician or by calling the WRHA Health Links line at 204-788-8200.

Updated March 12, 2020

SAFE Work Manitoba is actively monitoring the ongoing public health situation surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19). As of March 12, 2020, the first presumptive positive case of COVID-19 in Manitoba was announced. At this time, Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) states the public health risk associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) remains low for Canada but this could change rapidly.

As information about COVID-19 develops, SAFE Work Manitoba will continue to refer to the Manitoba Public Health and the PHAC for guidance. For more information, including commonly asked questions and fact sheets, please see the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) information at the following websites:

Information for workplaces

To help reduce the spread of communicable diseases and viruses including COVID-19, workplaces should have an infection prevention and control plan as part of their safety and health system. These measures include:
  • Washing your hands often, and always after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose.
  • ​Washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or, if soap and water are not available, using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Additional information for workplaces can be found here.

We encourage you to visit Manitoba Health and/or the Public Health Agency of Canada's websites for up-to-date information and precautions to take. Specific health concerns should be directed to your family physician or by calling the WRHA Health Links line at 204-788-8200.​​

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