Campaign Asks Motorists to Help Protect Workers' Safety
BRANDON – The 2019 SAFE Roads campaign was officially launched today. The annual campaign serves as a reminder to motorists to reduce their speed and drive with extra caution as the summer construction season brings more workers to Manitoba roadways.
"The risk of injury rises exponentially in the spring and summer season, as road construction projects get underway throughout Manitoba," said Ron Schuler, Minister of Infrastructure. "However, these injuries are avoidable. All drivers need to remember that those working on and around our roadways deserve a safe and healthy workplace, just as all workers do."
Slow Down. We Work Where You Drive is the theme of the SAFE Roads campaign, which aims to increase awareness through social media, radio spots and billboards that feature construction workers, emergency responders and others who make their living on and near our roadways. A campaign launch event was held today at the Brandon Police Service headquarters.
“City of Brandon staff are your community's first responders, your protective services personnel, and your municipal infrastructure construction and maintenance crews, so when they are on the job, it means they are sharing the same roadways that community members use to get to and from their job," noted Assistant Deputy Mayor Glen Parker. “As such, extra attention is necessary from motorists to ensure we can all get home safely at the end of the day."
Jamie Hall, Chief Operating Officer of SAFE Work Manitoba, said the annual SAFE Roads campaign plays a critical role in the overall effort to reduce the number of workplace injuries and illnesses in Manitoba.
"For those who make their living on and around our roadways, suffering an injury is an ever-present threat. These workers face risks that the majority of us do not," said Hall. "As motorists, we can all play a role in reducing these risks by driving more slowly and more cautiously when we find ourselves in construction zones and other situations where these workers are present. Looking out for each other is key to improving the overall safety landscape in our province.
The annual campaign has had an impact – leading to increased awareness among drivers of the need to protect the safety and health of Manitoba workers, according to Chris Lorenc, President of the Manitoba Heavy Construction Association and Chair of the SAFE Roads Committee.
"Our research shows the majority of Manitobans are aware of the SAFE Roads campaign and messages about the need to drive with caution when there are workers on or near the roadside," he said. "We've chosen the police station to demonstrate the many types of work that take place on our roads, and to highlight our message “Slow Down. We Work Where You Drive."
About SAFE Roads
Established in 2004, the SAFE Roads vision is to educate motorists and the general public to practise respectful and safe driving practices to protect the safety of construction, utility, emergency services personnel, equipment operators and all those who work in or adjacent to our province's roadways.
For more information, please contact:
Darlene Muise
Manager of Communications
WCB Manitoba and SAFE Work Manitoba
(204) 954-4864
Joey Dearborn
Press Secretary – Agriculture, Crown Services and Infrastructure
Executive Council
Government of Manitoba
(204) 981-0310
Alisa Woods
Marketing & Communications Co-ordinator
Manitoba Heavy Construction Association
(204) 947-1379
Allison Collins
Director of Communications
City of Brandon
(204) 729-2590