Safety is a language we can ALL speak


​Not all Manitobans speak the same language…

That's why SAFE Work Manitoba has resources in 19 different languages. These resources are provided to:
  • Help workers understand their rights and responsibilities for safety at work.
  • Help employers carry out safety training and orientation.

Workplace safety is a language we can ALL speak.

Featured Multi-Language Resources:​

Find safety resources by clicking on a language below:

English ​​​​
French / Français
Arabic /  العربية​​
Portuguese / Português
Chinese / 简体中文
Punjabi /  ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
Cree / Ininímówin
Russian / pусский
German / Deutsch
Spanish / Español
Greek / eλληνικά
Italian / Italiano​​
Tamil / தமிழ்
​​Korean / 한국어
Ukrainian / українська
Ojibwe / Anishinaabemowin
Vietnamese / Việtngữ
Polish / Polski

Em​​​ployer Responsibilities

Employers are required to provide proper orientations and training for workers to be safe on the job, and workers must be able to understand that training. Some workers may face language or cultural barriers — for example, limited English skills, unfamiliarity with safety equipment or a hesitancy to speak to persons with authority — that prevent them from understanding their safety rights or carrying out their responsibilities to keep themselves and others safe at work. As an employer or supervisor, you can help improve communication by:
  • Checking in with newcomers to Manitoba at your workplace, and learning about their backgrounds and cultures. Ask if they have any questions or concerns, and let them know that speaking up about safety and health will not affect their job.
  • Reviewing your safety training with your safety and health committee. Determine whether your materials take into consideration new workers' language ability, literacy level and culture, and think about co-workers who may need extra support to understand safety training.
  • ​Using the multi-language resources at See the Related Resources section below for information to help establish and maintain a safe workplace, no matter which of the 19 languages your workers speak.​

Do you have a question or a story to share?

Follow us on FacebookTwitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and tell us how your workplace makes safety a language we ALL speak! Share ideas, tips and best practices or highlight someone that makes sure all workers understand how to do their jobs safely.

Video: The Incident

The video below​ tells the story of a newcomer who agrees to do a job without receiving proper training.


​​​​​​​ More videos in other languages ​​​​​​​

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