Impairment in the Workplace

​​​​ Impairment and Workplace SafetySAFE Work Manitoba's latest campaign, Impairment in the Workplace, reminds us that it's important for everyone to understand the policies and procedures when it comes to impairment at work.

Has your business updated its Workplace Impairment Policy?

​With new cannabis legislation going into effect mid-October, now is a good time to review how your business plans to address impairment in the workplace. 

Impairment in the workplace is not only unsafe for the impaired worker, it's unsafe for the people around them. If a person is impaired because they consumed drugs or alcohol, it's important to know what steps to take to ensure they aren't putting themselves or others at risk. 

Scroll down for resources to help you build strong impairment policies and procedures for your workplace:

Impairment (Cannabis) and Workplace Safety (SAFE Work Workshop)

Learn more about the impact impairment can have on workplace safety and how to respond to impairment in the workplace. This workshop is useful for employers, managers, supervisors and safety committee members with minimal to no experience with addressing workplace impairment.

Impairment and Cannabis in the Workplace (E-Learning Course)

Being impaired at work can affect our ability to focus, make decisions, follow instructions, and handle equipment and tools. This course focuses on recognizing and dealing with impairment, providing clear guidance and developing fair and consistent policies and procedures.


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